Join the Guild!

The System Crafters Guild is a membership program that helps support the System Crafters mission while giving you special benefits like a members-only forum area, special perks for live streams, and discounts on merchandise!

Check out the perks below and learn more at The Guild:


6 members

$5.00 per month

You provide essential support to the System Crafters mission!
  • Forum Profile Icon
  • Members-Only Forum Area
  • (Soon) Your Name on the Supporters Screen
  • (Soon) Live Stream Chat Benefits


3 members

$15.00 per month

You have taken your support of System Crafters to the next level!
  • 10% Automatic Merch Discount
  • Forum Profile Icon
  • Members-Only Forum Area
  • (Soon) Your Name on the Supporters Screen
  • (Soon) Live Stream Chat Benefits


2 members

$30.00 per month

You are an ultimate supporter of System Crafters, a true lifeline to the community.
  • 10% Automatic Merch Discount
  • Forum Profile Icon
  • Members-Only Forum Area
  • (Soon) Your Name on the Supporters Screen
  • (Soon) Live Stream Chat Benefits